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Royal Military College of Canada

Kingston, ON

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Royal Military College of Canada is a University institution located in Kingston, ON, in an urban setting.

Location & Contact

Address PO Box 17000, Station Forces
13 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON  K7K 7B4
Contact Phone: 613-541-6000

Majors & Degrees

Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services Associate Bachelors
Business Administration And Management, General Checkmark
Computer And Information Sciences And Support Services Associate Bachelors
Computer Science Checkmark
Engineering Associate Bachelors
Chemical Engineering Checkmark
Civil Engineering, General Checkmark
Computer Engineering, General Checkmark
Electrical And Electronics Engineering Checkmark
Mechanical Engineering Checkmark
English Language And Literature/Letters Associate Bachelors
English Language And Literature, General Checkmark
Foreign Languages, Literatures, And Linguistics Associate Bachelors
French Language And Literature Checkmark
History Associate Bachelors
History, General Checkmark
Physical Sciences Associate Bachelors
Chemistry, General Checkmark
Physics, General Checkmark
Psychology Associate Bachelors
Psychology, General Checkmark
Social Sciences Associate Bachelors
Social Sciences, General Checkmark


Acceptance Rate



Application Fee
Admission Requirements
Required Transcript of high school record
Other requirements exist (see below)
Other requirements: Medical, aptitude test, security screening, Be a current serving member of the CAF and have completed basic MOSID (Military Occupational Structure Indication Code) training

Application Deadlines

Type Application Closing Notification Date Rolling Admissions
Other early decision plan Not reported Not reported
Transfer Not reported Not reported

Student Body

Total Undergrad students
Out-of-province students

Campus Life


College-owned housing Yes
Housing requirements Yes
Housing options Co-ed housing
Freshman car parking
% of undergrad students who live in college housing 95%

Student Activities

Student-run campus newspaper Checkmark
Drama/theatre group Checkmark
Student-run radio station Checkmark
Student-run television station Checkmark
Marching band Checkmark
Choral groups Checkmark
Campus events:
Ex-Cadet Weekend, Christmas Ball and Graduation Parade

Student Services

Legal services Checkmark
Health clinic Checkmark
Personal/psychological counseling Checkmark
Women's center Checkmark
International students advisor Checkmark

Student Organizations

Greek fraternities
Greek sororities
Local fraternities
Local sororities

Campus Security & Safety

24-hour emergency telephone/alarm services Checkmark
24-hour patrols by trained officers Checkmark
Student patrols Checkmark
Late-night transport/escort services Checkmark
Electronically-operated dormitory entrances Checkmark


Male icon

Men's Sports

Sport Intramural Intercollegiate Scholarship
Badminton Checkmark No No
Basketball Checkmark Division 1 No
Crew Checkmark No No
Cross-country Running Checkmark No No
Fencing No Division 1 No
Football Checkmark No No
Golf Checkmark No No
Ice Hockey Checkmark Division 1 No
Racquetball Checkmark No No
Riflery Checkmark No No
Rock Climbing Checkmark No No
Rowing Checkmark No No
Rugby Checkmark Division 1 No
Sailing Checkmark No No
Skiing (cross-country) Checkmark No No
Skiing (downhill) Checkmark No No
Soccer Checkmark Division 1 No
Squash Checkmark No No
Swimming And Diving Checkmark No No
Tennis Checkmark No No
Track And Field Checkmark No No
Triathlon Checkmark No No
Ultimate Frisbee Checkmark No No
Volleyball Checkmark Division 1 No
Water Polo Checkmark No No
Weight Lifting Checkmark No No
Wrestling Checkmark No No
Female icon

Women's Sports

Sport Intramural Intercollegiate Scholarship
Badminton Checkmark No No
Basketball Checkmark No No
Crew Checkmark No No
Cross-country Running Checkmark No No
Fencing No Division 1 No
Football Checkmark No No
Golf Checkmark No No
Ice Hockey Checkmark No No
Racquetball Checkmark No No
Riflery Checkmark No No
Rock Climbing Checkmark No No
Rowing Checkmark No No
Rugby Checkmark No No
Sailing Checkmark No No
Skiing (cross-country) Checkmark No No
Skiing (downhill) Checkmark No No
Soccer Checkmark Division 1 No
Squash Checkmark No No
Swimming And Diving Checkmark No No
Tennis Checkmark No No
Track And Field Checkmark No No
Triathlon Checkmark No No
Ultimate Frisbee Checkmark No No
Volleyball Checkmark Division 1 No
Water Polo Checkmark No No
Weight Lifting No No No
Wrestling No No No
Royal Military College of Canada